everinsta.com – Remember the goal of playing games is to find fun and entertainment. Don’t let the game turn into cursing fellow players. Show your solidarity without doing the above. Hopefully this post can make us all a better generation of Gamers.
Here are five behaviors that Mobile Legend players hate
Usually the words spoken are harsh, dirty, insulting words which make other players feel uncomfortable and disturbed and also make the team feel down and lazy to play.
Here’s a suggestion for kicking players/kids, if you’re babbling, you don’t have to be in classic, let alone ranked, it’s better if you just babble in custom because your babbling will actually make the team down. Don’t like to insult/belittle people!
In this game, choosing a hero is very important, especially if you are skilled and master the hero, sometimes many ML players are selfish in choosing the same role so that no one wants to give in to each other, which leads to feeder/afk.
This advice, if you want to pick a hero, prioritize sharing your WR first, don’t just pick. Remember! Team victory takes priority
Remember the goal of playing games is to find fun and entertainment. Don’t let the game turn into insulting fellow players
Many of you are still looking for kills when playing, remember the most important thing is not about getting lots of kills but destroying enemy turrets is your main goal and the key to victory for your team. Why kill lots of enemies but your towers are all destroyed and there’s no point in losing, right?
Map blind here is a player who doesn’t care about other lanes and has no backup at all when other lanes need them, and only thinks about his own lane, minions, creeps. Well, that’s a situation that the team hates because the lane is empty and the enemy can easily destroy the turret. Stay focused on the team and map and make backups when your friends need them
Many players nowadays are toxic, afk feeders, sulking because they got a hero directly afk and didn’t get a buff directly afk. farming work keeps saying tanks are useless, mm are useless, support is useless. I haven’t even started yet, I’m already starting to rush. These are some of the behaviors that Mobile Legends players hate. If there are still those of you who like to do what is mentioned above, it is recommended not to do it again, guys, because it is not profitable at all, in fact it is very detrimental.